The main Hart Squash Club ‘Night’ is on a Saturday afternoon from around 4pm to circa 5.30pm and everyone, of all standards, is welcome.
But we now run a Wednesday Club Night, 6.30pm to 8.45pm and again all standards, members and non-members are welcome. Try us out!!!
Both sessions offer valuable opportunities for members to play some squash without worrying about booking courts and finding an opponent.
Team players could play those who are aspiring to play at that level, or older players who are not as fit as they once were, but still enjoy the participation and social atmosphere of a Club Night.
For the new member, a Club Night is a great place to meet new people as well as assessing your relative standard within the Club. From this point the Committee can judge the most appropriate league to for a new member to be entered (if they want to join the leagues).
For juniors and beginners it is a great opportunity to improve your skills against some better players.
We welcome non-members too, either to consider whether you would like to join us, or occasionally to play as a guest on the night as busy schedules sometimes preclude a commitment to play more regularly.
Most often you will be welcomed by Adrian Pepler, who oversees the evening, but there is always someone around to put the visitor at ease.
The cost of a Club Night is £3.00 for members, £5.00 for non-members and it is free for juniors